As champions of an open, globally-secure, and trusted Internet, International Data Privacy Day is a big deal around these parts. But making sure you’re able to share what you want, when…

As champions of an open, globally-secure, and trusted Internet, International Data Privacy Day is a big deal around these parts. But making sure you’re able to share what you want, when…
We spent last week at the Consumer Electronics Show (aka CES) in Las Vegas, with over 180,000 of our closest friends. And with 4,500 exhibitors present, you’d have less than…
On 10 January, the Internet Society Delhi Chapter and CCAOI jointly organised an interactive webinar on the draft Information Technology [Intermediary Guidelines (Amendment) Rules] 2018 (“the draft Intermediary Rules”) to improve understanding of it and…
In July 2018, the Internet Society’s Latin America and Caribbean Bureau held another edition of the Workshop for Chapter Leaders. Besides discussing the challenges and opportunities of participation in their respective…
Today’s guest post is from Bhredipta Socarana, an Intellectual Property lawyer based in Indonesia and a Youth@IGF Fellow. As one of the most populated countries, Indonesia has grown as one of the biggest…